Pitching to us

What we invest in: deep tech solutions and markets where we can add value, through hands-on support or commercial introductions. We’re looking for companies focused on:

Data Science

Data science is a broad and diverse area encompassing platforms, sensors, devices, infrastructure and analytics (AI/ML) that harness data to create valuable insights and tools.

These technologies are becoming as important to business as the internet.


The Cloud’s computing power, lower implementation risks and attractive storage costs are enabling innovative startups to be disruptive and bring new, lower cost ways of doing things to market, faster than ever before.

Startups in this space have an incredibly large opportunity in front of them and those that succeed become very valuable.


Addressing the more-for-less paradigm of next generation communications. Network infrastructure and device technology which can reduce ownership cost for the operator and at the same time meet the customer demand for ever increasing mobility and ubiquity.

With our team’s background at Vodafone, we pride ourselves on providing invaluable support to entrepreneurs.


Cybercrime is growing. Tougher firewalls, rigorous policing and strict policy enforcement are insufficient and increasingly unaffordable. Enterprise security breaches are on the increase, from inside and outside, aggravated by the trend of bring your own devices.

Companies which can build security systems that are equipped to protect us are pivotal to the future.

Where we invest

Anywhere in Europe and Israel. Our team is spread throughout the UK, but we’ve got portfolio companies in Belgium and Israel, and we love to travel!

When we invest

Typically between £1-5m (or between Seed and Growth stage). In simple terms, we look for companies that have gained some validation of technology and/or product fit from potential long-term customers. We want to see that you’re poised to enter a large and growing market.

How we invest

We do our own due diligence on the companies we invest in. Given we’re investing for the long-term (10+ years) we want to be comfortable that we’re the right partner for you. We provide feedback to every company that gets in touch.

What are we looking for?


Characterised by defensible IP, science-based innovation, lowering costs and increasing performance


Technically gifted and entrepreneurial teams with the potential to build a company of global scale


Detailed insight leading to a go-to-market plan for a highly attractive and fast-growing global market


Clear validation or route to validation of the technology’s USPs from long-term potential customers


Can deliver a replicable product or service in a scalable way, starting with PoC validation


Focused on winning a significant share of the identified market on the road to building a £500m+ valued company

Introduce your company